Museum of Discovery & Science


  • Showcase apps developed by students participating in the museum’s APP-titude internship program.
  • Student projects in the app include interactive quizzes, videos, and a scavenger hunt incorporating augmented reality.


Museum of Discovery & Science


  • Showcase apps developed by students participating in the museum’s APP-titude internship program.
  • Student projects in the app include interactive quizzes, videos, and a scavenger hunt incorporating augmented reality.


“The management team and staff at Daruma Tech went above and far beyond anything the Museum could have expected on this project.”

Joe Cytacki, MODS’ Vice President of Programs, Life Sciences, and Exhibits.

“The management team and staff at Daruma Tech went above and far beyond anything the Museum could have expected on this project.”

Joe Cytacki, MODS’ Vice President of Programs, Life Sciences, and Exhibits.

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