All too often, digital business solutions fail to work as planned or don’t have the capacities or features the buyer envisioned. This results in costly, time-wasting rework. Fortunately, such problems can be avoided through open, systematic communication between clients and developers, and the workshop setting is an efficient way for you to work closely with developers to clarify your needs, goals, and expectations.

When you work with Daruma, you have the opportunity to participate in educational workshops organized specifically around your organization. You and other stakeholders will have the chance to learn your options, ask questions and voice concerns, determine the exact scale and scope of your project, and get the information and tools you need to make informed decisions on critical matters such as these:

  • What are your business goals, and how can a digital business solution help get you there?
  • What features and functions must such a solution have to best serve your needs and those of your team members, and which of these are your top priorities?
  • Which currently available products can meet your requirements, and what are their respective pros and cons?
  • If no off-the-shelf programs suit your requirements, what are your specifications for a custom-built application?
  • What are the best practices for implementing and maintaining the program, and how should these be incorporated into your business?

Knowledge is power, and workshops will give you and other stakeholders on your team the power to make smart decisions, so you’ll get what you want the first time.

Speak with someone on our team to get your next project started.

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